In the western world’s traditional beliefs and especially Abrahamic religions you will eventually hear about these creatures called “Angels”. Angles are traditionally though to be the servants of God (Either Allah, Yahweh/The God of the Bible) that come down to Earth to help, give a message, or punish humans. They are often traditionally depicted in the western world as a woman with a halo, a harp, and with bird wings on the back. [1] But seeing how ONE of these Abrahamic religions (Christianity) has proven to be true because of its inert holy book, the bible, has proven to be true, what does the Bible have to say about these creatures if anything at all?
Angels and the Bible
On a study of Angels in the Bible the word “Angel” is found many times![2] So unlike other supposed “Mythical Creatures” Such as unicorns, dragons, and Fairies, Angels are DIRECTLY MENTIONED in the Bible as real Beings! So we should know what the Bible actually does say about these creatures. But first what do humans think Angels are?
Wikipedia “Angel”
Biblegaitway wordsearch“Angles”